In production Process our points of pride and strength are represented by fact, exceptionally in the field, that the entire processing cycle is place within the company.
    In this way, in addition to being able to satisfy the most disparate customer demands, Tecnosistemi guarantees the capillary constant quality control, from the drafting of the initial project to the packing and shipping of the finished product.
    In each stage of production are involved the best professionals, specialized. The assistance of the computer comes into play in all stages of the production control, as well as on the finished product after the final assembly.
    Each production batch is identified by a label, mail on each board, showing the date of inspection and the lot number, and a test certificate containing the complete analysis of the test relating to each contract.
    Who produces materials with high technological value must put in packaging and shipping the same care given during production. For this delicate task Tecnosistemi take every precaution also in the choice of the most suitable packaging for each individual product.